The biggest group Masters 1 we waited at the start line for the gun to fire and then the rain came down and did it rain! The gun fired and we scrambled across the river in the pouring rain. I felt pretty good for the 1st half of the race, I usually find with the Karapoti I feel crap for the 1st half and then start feeling good later on. I felt I raced well all the way up to the Rock Garden, I dropped my seat and flew down the decent. The Rock Garden is one of my favourite sections on the course to ride. I then walked/ ran a steady pace up Devils Staircase.
At the top of Devil's I had planned I would briefly stop and eat a power cookie - this is what I do each year I race and this seems to work well for me. This year, though I had planned to stop, I didn't and I continued on. Dopers uphill followed after a speedy decent down Big Ring boulevard and instantly I fell hungry, I felt very hungry. I struggled around in my camelbak and found my power cookie and dropped half of it on the ground, before I could pick it up someone had ridden over it, I ate the remaining piece.
I started feeling not so good for the climb up dopers and my riding slowed considerably, there were sections I couldnt even ride, I felt worn out. It seemed to take ages to get up Dopers and then for the downhill I was worn out. I seemed to struggle with the rest of the race and finally crossed the finish line with a time of 3:26:03 This was my fastest time for Karapoti but I was dissapointed with my performance and felt I could have done a lot better.
Reviewing the day I can see that my fueling should have been a lot better. I had a poor breakfast which consisted of a bowl of cereal and then come race I hadn't followed plan and stopped for a quick eat.
Rain had been falling on and off during the race, but this couldn't have been helped, this was the wettest Karapoti I have done of the 8.
There is always next year...